Nutritional composition of gluten-free rice flour cookies enriched with eggshell powder as an alternative for celiacs
Cookie, Rice flour, Eggshell powder, Physicochemical analysis, Celiac disease, Gluten-freeAbstract
Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition triggered by the ingestion of gluten, found in grains such as wheat and barley, causing difficulties in nutrient absorption. This study aimed to develop a rice flour cookie enriched with eggshell powder, offering a nutritious and calcium-rich alternative for individuals with celiac disease. Three tests were conducted to adjust the amounts of eggshell powder and refined sugar in the cookie formulation. The physicochemical analyses included the measurement of protein, lipids, crude fiber, moisture, and mineral matter. The results revealed that the cookies enriched with eggshell powder had higher protein content (7.36%) and mineral matter (5.97%) compared to non-enriched cookies. In terms of lipids, there was a significant presence of 16.45%, while crude fiber was 2.50% and moisture was 2.9%. These results indicate that the addition of eggshell powder not only increases the nutritional value of the cookies but may also contribute to the daily calcium intake, essential for bone health. It is concluded that rice flour cookies enriched with eggshell powder have a favorable nutritional profile, standing out as a valuable option for individuals with celiac disease, providing a healthy and nutritious alternative.
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