Development and physicochemical analysis of vegetarian burger enriched with quinoa, chia and beetroot
New products, Vegetarian burger, Nutrients, Physicochemical analysis, Vegetarian dietsAbstract
This study aimed to develop a vegetarian burger made with quinoa, chia, and beetroot flour, enriched with essential nutrients such as vitamin D and omega-3, to meet the nutritional needs of individuals who avoid meat consumption. Vegetarian diets often lack certain nutrients, making this product a potential solution to improve nutritional intake. The methodology involved a literature review from databases such as Scielo, Pubmed, Science Direct, Lilacs, Web of Science, and Periódicos CAPES, followed by the practical development and testing of the burger in a laboratory setting. Analytical methods were used to evaluate the nutritional content, including proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and fibers, using techniques such as the Kjeldahl method and Soxhlet extraction. The results showed that the developed burger had a higher carbohydrate content and lower protein, and fat levels compared to other vegetarian burgers on the market. The discussion highlights the burger's benefits, such as the absence of additives and high fiber content, making it a healthier alternative. In conclusion, the vegetarian burger was well received, indicating its viability as a nutritious and appealing option for those following a vegetarian diet, potentially playing an important role in addressing dietary deficiencies and aligning with the growing trend toward plant-based foods.
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