The contribution of public policies to the promotion of food from the Amazon's socio-biodiversity: evaluation of the Startup Pará Program and foodtechs

The contribution of public policies to the promotion of food from the Amazon's socio-biodiversity: evaluation of the Startup Pará Program and foodtechs




Biodiversity, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Paladar Amazônico, Pará


The Amazon has a vast wealth of ingredients from its biodiversity that can be exploited in a diversified way to create food products. In order to guarantee the development of food that preserves the knowledge of traditional peoples and the environment, more innovative and efficient production systems are needed. In addition to collaboration between the government and companies in order to direct public policies that contribute to their valorization. We aimed to analyze the contribution of the Startup Pará Program to the promotion of socio-biodiversity foods from the Amazon. Data analysis followed a qualitative approach, focusing on the identification of trends, challenges and opportunities related to the Startup Pará program and the selected company. Pará is an important supplier of raw materials and producer of items from the Amazon's socio-biodiversity, which are very important from an economic point of view. The state is responsible for investing in and boosting innovation and entrepreneurship, guaranteeing sustainability. The Startup Pará Program provides technical support and economic subsidies to foster innovation projects in bioproducts and bio-businesses, such as Paladar Amazônico, which transforms native inputs into high value-added products. The supported project aims to improve the production process of regional foods, based on sustainability and valuing extractive communities. Foodtechs have the potential to contribute to valuing food products from Amazonian socio-biodiversity through innovation and technology and government incentive programs, such as Startup Pará, act as an important stimulus tool.

Author Biography

Maria Caroline Rodrigues Ferreira, Secretaria de Ciência, Tecnologia e Educação Superior, Profissional e Tecnológica (SECTET/PARÁ)

Engenheira de Alimentos formada pela Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) com experiência no setor industrial de frutas nas áreas de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Projetos e Controle de Qualidade. Atuou como voluntária no Laboratório de Agroindústria (EMBRAPA) e como bolsita (PIBIC) no Laboratório de Análise de Alimentos (FANUT-UFPA) na área de óleos e gorduras de origem vegetal. Mestre em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos (PPGCTA - UFPA) com ênfase em extração com fluido supercrítico. Cursando doutorado no Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, também pela Universidade Federal do Pará, orientada pelo Prof. Drº Raul Nunes de Carvalho Junior com foco em tecnologias supercríticas. Membro do Laboratório de Tecnologia Supercrítica (LABTECS-UFPA) já atuou como Gerente de marketing e atualmente como Gerente Operacional, além de gestão de projetos com foco em produos naturais, tecnologias verdes e bioeconomia. Empenhada em desenvolver, valorizar e conservar a biodiversidade amazônica.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, M. C. R., Vasconcelos, L. M. R., Silva, M. M. F. da, Silva, R. N. da, & Trindade, M. J. de S. (2024). The contribution of public policies to the promotion of food from the Amazon’s socio-biodiversity: evaluation of the Startup Pará Program and foodtechs. Food Science Today, 3(1), 41–48.



Review Article