Equilibrium isotherms for tomato pomace analysis

Equilibrium isotherms for tomato pomace analysis





equilibrium isotherm, tomato pomace, mathematical model, adsorption properties, food industry by-products


Brazil is one of the world’s largest tomato producers. During the industrialization process of this food, residues known as tomato pomace are generated and usually discarded. Tomato pomace, composed of skin, seeds, fibers, and remnants of tomato pulp, is a valuable by-product with potential for use in creating new products. This study aims to examine the equilibrium isotherm of dried tomato pomace at 95°C, using the mathematical models of Henderson and Henderson-Thompson for adsorption isotherms. Equilibrium moisture, theoretical moisture, and water activity were analyzed. Following the analyses and the study of the isotherm graph, the coefficients of determination found were 1 for the Henderson-Thompson model and 0.548 for the curve obtained with the experimental data. The results showed that the data followed a sigmoidal curve and that the Henderson-Thompson model fit the experimental data well. In contrast, the Henderson model did not provide plausible results, indicating that the data did not fit this model. Thus, tomato pomace has proven to be a promising by-product, with potential for application in new products, highlighting the importance of waste reuse in the food industry.


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How to Cite

Borges, B. V., Silva, E. C., & Goulart, G. A. S. (2024). Equilibrium isotherms for tomato pomace analysis. Food Science Today, 3(1), 26–29. https://doi.org/10.58951/fstoday.2024.005



Research Article