Exploring physiotherapeutic interventions for female sexual dysfunctions and empowering women’s health and autonomy. An integrative review

Exploring physiotherapeutic interventions for female sexual dysfunctions and empowering women’s health and autonomy. An integrative review





Physiological sexual dysfunction, Physiotherapy, Urinary incontinence, Vaginismus, Dyspareunia


Sexual dysfunction can be defined as a disorder in sexual response, which can occur in various forms and is related to a lack or decrease of response in one of the domains of sexual response: arousal, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. These problems can be correlated to anatomical, pathological, or psychological changes. This study aims to discuss physiotherapeutic interventions in sexual dysfunctions, understand how they occur, and comprehend female anatomy and the alterations caused by sexual dysfunctions. An integrative literature review was conducted between February and June 2022, using descriptors such as “sexual dysfunction,” “women's health,” “physiotherapeutic interventions,” “vaginismus,” “anorgasmia,” “dyspareunia,” “urinary incontinence,” and “vulvodynia” in both Portuguese and English languages. Studies from 2012 to 2020 were included, excluding classical works before 2022, from the databases LILACS, MEDLINE/PubMed, and SciELO. Physiotherapy offers simple and cost-effective resources that have been proven effective in treating these dysfunctions. Most sexual dysfunctions are caused by hypotonic and hypertonic alterations in the pelvic floor muscles, and physiotherapists employ various techniques to treat the pain caused by these dysfunctions. A multidisciplinary team is essential in caring for women with sexual dysfunctions, and a biopsychosocial approach is crucial for a positive response to treatment. Therefore, it can be observed that physiotherapists actively participate in the rehabilitation process, providing simple and efficient resources aimed at restoring sexual function and improving the quality of life of these women.


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How to Cite

Santos, M. E. de J., Ribeiro, A. A. S., Lima, A. K. S. de, Santos, R. de C. R. dos, & Souza, M. P. S. (2023). Exploring physiotherapeutic interventions for female sexual dysfunctions and empowering women’s health and autonomy. An integrative review. Dataset Reports, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.58951/dataset.2023.60



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