The gender of education: an anthropological analysis of the “feminization” of teaching in Brazilian society

The gender of education: an anthropological analysis of the “feminization” of teaching in Brazilian society




Feminization of teaching, Historical-cultural anthropology, School


This article aims to discuss the historical process of the “feminization” of teaching through the theoretical frameworks of culturalist anthropology. The discussions and dialogues presented are part of a sociological analysis that prioritizes history and culture as conceptual keys. In this way, the debate around the gender of schooling and teaching reflects transformations in Brazilian society, aligned with a specific type of institution. This exploration takes place through the observation of cultural patterns and symbol systems, in interface with the paradigms of the individual-society relationship. In a society historically marked by patriarchy, this work also aims to question the agency exercised by female teachers and their interactions with the public sphere of Brazilian society over time. The continuities and discontinuities of this phenomenon are thus measured by structural and conjunctural complexities, as well as by the agencies of contextually situated individuals.


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How to Cite

Conceição, R. R. (2024). The gender of education: an anthropological analysis of the “feminization” of teaching in Brazilian society. Dataset Reports, 3(1), 84–88.



Research Article