Methodological perspective of Portuguese as a second language in the learning process of deaf students

Methodological perspective of Portuguese as a second language in the learning process of deaf students




Learning and deafness, Portuguese as a second language, Reading and deafness, Bilingual school


The difficulties faced by deaf individuals in their learning process of the Portuguese language from the early years up to high school have been a highly discussed topic in the current Brazilian context. Thus, this study aims to explore the similarities and differences in the literacy process of deaf individuals and the existence or lack of symmetry in literacy between the deaf and hearing individuals. The specific objectives are: to identify the literacy methods employed for the deaf; to expose how these literacy methods impact deaf individuals' learning; and to analyze literacy methods aimed at deaf people. Our methodological approach was built through a literature review, conducted on internet sites, virtual libraries, SciELO sites, digital platforms, and e-books. We followed Gil's (2002) principles in developing the analyses and data treatment. The data found in these articles reveal the challenges faced by deaf learners in the literacy process, as visual literacy should be decisive in their learning process, being different from the literacy aimed at hearing individuals. This visual literacy of the deaf contributes to advancing the fight for a Bilingual School that equitably meets the education of these individuals, as described in our 1988 constitution regarding the education of all. We conclude that the implementation of Bilingual Schools for the deaf in Brazil could address the difficulties faced by Brazilian deaf individuals, as these schools ensure Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) as the language of instruction, and the learning of the Portuguese language would take place with a second language methodology.


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How to Cite

Araújo, W. B. O. L. de, & Santos Filho, P. L. dos. (2024). Methodological perspective of Portuguese as a second language in the learning process of deaf students. Dataset Reports, 3(1), 77–83.



Research Article