The Papanicolaou ratio in the health region of the city of Redenção - PA
Pap smear test, Cervical cancer, Epidemiology, Cervical neoplasms, Coverage of public health servicesAbstract
In Brazil, cervical cancer is the third most common type among women. This descriptive epidemiological study aimed to analyze the rate of Pap smear tests in the Redenção Health Region, PA, among women aged 25 to 64, from 2008 to 2021, comparing these data with those from the state of Pará, the Northern Region, and Brazil, using the PROADESS platform. It was found that the Redenção Region has lower Pap smear test rates than those recorded at the state and national levels. The epidemiological profile of cytopathological exams in the Redenção Health Region reveals significant challenges in reaching women aged 25 to 64 for cervical cancer prevention and screening. These results indicate a concerning gap in preventive health coverage in the region, highlighting the urgent need for targeted interventions, such as awareness campaigns, expanded access to healthcare services, and professional training. Such measures are essential to increase adherence to Pap smear testing and, consequently, reduce the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in the region.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Lucas Araújo Jordão, Suzana Santana de Deus, Fernanda Azevedo Matos, Aline de Castro Correia, Mariana Santana de Deus, Ruann Macedo Santos, Lúcia Beatriz Tanja Braga, Renata de Alencar Nogueira, Ana Yasmin de Morais Gomes, Martha Rayssa de Carvalho Ferreira, Welligton Pereira de Souza

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