Curriculum and BNCC in initial pedagogy training at a private educational institution
Initial formation, Pedagogy, Mathematics teaching, Teacher training, Mathematics education, National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), Early childhood education, Curriculum analysisAbstract
Teacher training is a crucial pillar for education quality, particularly in the early school years where the foundation of mathematical knowledge is established. This study aims to investigate the training offered in the Mathematics Teaching and Learning component of the Pedagogy course at a private institution in the interior of São Paulo. The significance of this work lies in the importance of initial training as a cornerstone for future teachers who will work in Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education. The research employs a qualitative, documental methodology, analyzing the course syllabus and correlating it with the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), focusing on the assumptions for Mathematics learning. Preliminary results indicate the need for a deeper understanding of Mathematics in the initial training provided by this institution. The analysis highlights that aligning teacher training programs with BNCC guidelines is essential to ensure future teachers are well-prepared to face the challenges of teaching Mathematics in the early grades. Identifying gaps in initial training allows higher education institutions to adjust their practices, ensuring quality education from the earliest school years.
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