Trends and challenges in English teaching: a study on learning English with undergraduate and postgraduate students in agronomy at UFPB

Trends and challenges in English teaching: a study on learning English with undergraduate and postgraduate students in agronomy at UFPB




English Language, Learning Strategies, University Education, Agronomy


The present article presents a study on the English Language and describes the teaching strategies applied at UFPB, specifically in the Department of Crop Science at CAMPUS II of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). Using methodologies such as Blended Learning and ESP (English for Specific Purposes), both in-person and virtual classes were conducted, incorporating agronomic terms and English songs. Technological resources, such as WhatsApp groups, were utilized to facilitate continuous learning. The objective was to assess the learning of the English language in the Agronomy course through practical application in a study group and to diagnose the priorities of undergraduate and postgraduate Agronomy students regarding future academic perspectives. The Agronomy course requires proficiency in English for international collaborations and the dissemination of research activities. The article also emphasizes the integration between Distance Learning University (UEaD) and CAMPUS II of UFPB, opening paths for new pedagogical approaches, highlighting collaboration among different areas of study and showcasing new teaching proposals.


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How to Cite

Silva, J. C. R. da. (2024). Trends and challenges in English teaching: a study on learning English with undergraduate and postgraduate students in agronomy at UFPB. Dataset Reports, 3(1), 34–36.



Research Article