Cardiorespiratory changes from silica exposure in miners: an integrative review

Cardiorespiratory changes from silica exposure in miners: an integrative review




Silicosis, Silica, Worker, Pneumoconiosis, Rehabilitation


Silicosis is a pneumoconiosis caused by exposure to free respirable silica, a compound abundant in nature on the Earth’s coast in its free form or combined with other crystallized raw materials. The objective of the research was to discuss the cardiorespiratory alterations caused by silicosis in view of its cardiorespiratory manifestations. This is an integrative review of publications from 2006 to 2022. For the process of searching and selecting articles, descriptors in English, Spanish, and Portuguese and the following databases were used: PubMed from the National Library of Medicine; Virtual Health Library (VHL), LILACS, SciELO, Medline, and Science Direct. It should be noted that silicosis is an occupational disease that needs to be evaluated through imaging tests, radiographs, and computed tomography scans, as well as the integration of physical assessment, occupational anamnesis, history of exposure, and questionnaires for an early diagnosis. As a diagnostic method for this disease, a chest X-ray is an imaging exam in which it is possible to visualize the lesions caused by the disease. That said, the alterations cause a decrease in the functional capacity of the lung, dyspnea, as well as the application of quality of life questionnaires, given the limitations caused. Therefore, prevention is important to reduce exposure to free silica, with awareness of occupational risks, correct use of masks and protective equipment, and control of silica markers in the work environment, respecting exposure limits.


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How to Cite

Lima, A. K. S. de, Ribeiro, A. A. S., Santos, M. E. de J., Santos, R. de C. R. dos, & Souza, M. P. S. (2023). Cardiorespiratory changes from silica exposure in miners: an integrative review. Dataset Reports, 2(1).



Review Article