Introduction of complementary feeding: analysis of practices and factors that influence parental decisions
Complementary feeding, breastfeeding, infant nutritionAbstract
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that mothers exclusively breastfeed their infant for the first six months to achieve optimal growth and development. In addition, children should receive nutritious complementary foods and continue to breastfeed until age two years or older. Several factors still greatly influence the introduction of complementary feeding (ICF). Thus, this research aimed to analyze whether parents perform the appropriate ICF for their children. This survey used a questionnaire prepared via Google Forms®, with 58 participants, 100% women with 28 years old on average. Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) until the sixth month was reported by 51.7% of the interviewees. Based on feeding characteristics, 69% started introducing food at six months old. Regarding early ICF, infant formula was the most offered food (36.2%). Foods such as crackers, stuffed biscuits, sugar, fruit juice, and cow's milk were offered early to children younger than 24 months. The lack of information, the economic factor, time concerning work, and practicality were the factors that interfered with the introduction of food to children. The importance of professional nutritionists in raising awareness among parents is highlighted, transmitting confidence and aiming at an adequate introduction of complementary foods.
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