Design Thinking, the new management of creativity

Design Thinking, the new management of creativity




Design Thinking, People Management, Collaboration, Creativity, Lego Serious Play, Knowledge at hand, Organizational Strategy


Design Thinking emerges as an innovative approach to creativity management, focused on solving problems in an empathetic and collaborative way. The methodology, derived from models used by designers, offers a mental model that can be learned and applied in any scenario, whether social or business. Rather than focusing solely on aesthetics or traditional design, Design Thinking is based on five main steps: empathy, problem definition, ideation, prototyping, and testing. Through this approach, companies can promote solutions that meet the real needs of users, fostering a culture of continuous innovation. This article explores the relevance of Design Thinking in the current context, its steps, tools, and the importance of professionals with a holistic and creative vision in managing complex problems.


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How to Cite

Vazquez, F. J. B., & Junqueira, E. A. (2024). Design Thinking, the new management of creativity. Dataset Reports, 3(1), 241–246.



Review Article