How the human circulatory system can be compared to a city's water and sewage treatment system

How the human circulatory system can be compared to a city's water and sewage treatment system




Human circulatory system, Water treatment system, Hydraulic processes, Filtration processes


This article explores the similarities between the human circulatory system and the water and sewage treatment system used in cities. Through an analogical analysis, hydraulic and filtration processes are highlighted as common elements in both systems. In the human body, the heart, arteries, veins, lungs, and kidneys perform vital functions for blood transport and purification, while in urban systems, pipes, pumps, and treatment plants ensure the supply of clean water and safe waste disposal. Although they share fundamental principles such as fluid dynamics and efficient transport, biological systems exhibit greater complexity and adaptability. This study emphasizes the importance of biological inspirations for the advancement of human technologies, highlighting the efficiency and resilience of the human body.


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How to Cite

Vazquez, F. J. B. (2024). How the human circulatory system can be compared to a city’s water and sewage treatment system. Dataset Reports, 3(1), 236–240.



Review Article