The theory of objectification in science education in Brazilian stricto sensu graduate programs: mapping of theses from 2019 to 2023

The theory of objectification in science education in Brazilian stricto sensu graduate programs: mapping of theses from 2019 to 2023




Objectification Theory, Science Teaching, Teacher Training, Systematic review


This study aims to map, through a systematic review, research conducted in Brazilian stricto sensu graduate programs (theses) on the Theory of Objectification (TO) in science teaching from 2019 to 2023. The review was carried out on the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) platform, initially resulting in 21 theses, of which only two addressed the relationship between TO and Science Teaching. Both studies employed action research, originated from federal universities in the central-western region of Brazil, and focused on teacher training. The research highlighted that this teaching method positively impacts teachers' critical attitudes toward their pedagogical practice and the education system, while also fostering changes in planning and conducting science lessons through collaborative efforts with students. This approach was identified as a unique and motivating experience in science teaching. However, there is a significant gap in studies on the application of the Theory of Objectification in science teaching. Future research could explore this approach in different regions, educational levels, and with varied methodologies, expanding the understanding of its impact on teacher education and practice in science.


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How to Cite

Façanha, P. C. do A., Silva, S. A. da, & Alexandria, A. R. de. (2024). The theory of objectification in science education in Brazilian stricto sensu graduate programs: mapping of theses from 2019 to 2023. Dataset Reports, 3(1), 219–222.



Review Article